What Lurks Beneath When Evaluating Names? I’ve been studying a lot of Behavioral Economics lately and it points towards how influenced we are by the mental shortcuts that make our decision-making easier. It’s incredible, and a little daunting, to think about all the factors that are in play when it comes to evaluating a brand name.
What Lurks Beneath
Check out this #tellthetruthsvideo to hear a little more. And if you’d like to learn a lot more, check out the book “What Your Customer Wants” by Melina Palmer. It’s the single best introduction to Behavioral Economics I’ve ever seen!
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– Hey guys, it’s Rebeca with BrandTrue. And this video is about “What Lurks Beneath,” specifically what lurks beneath the surface of our minds in the subconscious. I’ve been studying Behavioral Economics with the Human Behavior Lab at Texas A&M University and my friend that’s running that program over there, Jeff Pool, sent this incredible academic article about naming and behavioral economics and decision science. And it blew my mind.
It was a little discouraging, actually, to see how many subconscious things can be at play when we’re evaluating names. For example, what do you even do with this, the first letter issue? So if your brand name begins with the first letter of someone’s first name, I mean, most people it won’t, but in the case when it does, if they think highly of the brand, then it having the same first letter as them makes them think even more highly. Like, “that’s right, you brand, and me, we’re cool.” But if they don’t like the brand and it has that same first letter, then they like it even less, ’cause they’re like “don’t associate me with that dog brand” And so there’s just so many factors like this that are at play.
I get daunted sometimes, but I also get like, no, this is why this is my profession! Because there’s so much richness, there’s so much complexity, there’s so much to play with, so much to think about! That’s why I love it! If you’re thinking about naming, try and get some depth thinking about what could be going on with people and how they’re assessing your name. Try not to just stay at the surface level. That’s what I think. What do you think? Let me know. Bye!