How do you name a snack food that’s both healthy and indulgent? It’s a tricky balancing act, much like threading a needle.
Threading The Needle
In our latest video, we spotlight a brand name that we think hits the sweet spot. Check it out, then let us know your thoughts—did they pull it off? tellthetruths
This video originally appeared in LinkedIn.
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Hey, guys, it’s Rebeca with BrandTrue. And today, I want to talk about this concept that apparently I talk about a lot, of threading the needle. The thing is that with names, you’re often trying to weigh opposing forces. You’re trying to really balance some things. And specifically, I’m really struck by when a food is a healthier alternative, it’s threading the needle between conveying that, saying, “hey, this is better for you.” And also, being a food, sounding delicious.
And this came up for me a lot around a brand that I very much admire called Lesser Evil. I just think it’s a perfect name, perfect threading the needle name. Because when you hear Lesser Evil, you think, “oh, it’s not” so, you think, “oh, not as bad for me, lesser evil.” But also, there’s this danger, no matter what, people still think if it’s good for me, it’s cardboard. When you say Lesser Evil, it’s still naughty. It sounds delicious, it still has temptation. So, I think that’s a name that threads the needle very much. And I’d love to hear your examples of very specifically, good, better for you, alternative foods that manage to strike that balance right. Let me know. Thanks. Bye!