And that’s a good thing. Check out this #tellthetruths video about the brand name Red Bull and why we think it works so hard. (Hint: one part of the answer lies in the visual reinforcement of vigor in the logo.)
This Name Is Bull!
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– Hey guys. Okay, do I have the energy to do this video? I hope so. It needs it. This Name is Bull! This name is Red Bull, and I like this name so much, I wanted to talk to you guys about it.
If we apply the framework, the T-R-U-E framework, it’s doing pretty well. So the first thing is, is it T? Is it a Transparent communication of what they give you? How it makes you feel. Maybe not so much what they give you. You don’t get any part of a bull, but how it makes you feel? Yes! A bull is energetic, strong, it charges. There’s even this element of almost like anger with bull, especially with the color red. It’s really kind of giving you some things to hold on to with the T, the Transparency.
Then R, is it Real? Is there some kind of authenticity there? Maybe not as much, not so much connected. So we’ll give them a pass on that one, or pass on that one. Then U, is it Unique? Yes, it was sort of the first energy drink, so it didn’t have any direct competition, but also just in general in the category, and even now with all the other energy drinks still, I don’t really know of any names that are similar. So it’s unique, remains unique.
And then E, is it Engaging? That’s where I think that this name really flies. Oh, it has wings, haha! Because it’s the visual reinforcement of the two bulls in the logo, that’s engaging. All the things I was talking about before, around the emotions of energy and bull, and even a little bit of danger and conflict with bulls and with the two bulls coming at each other head to head in the logo. I think that little bit of negativity, what I sometimes call the X-factor, actually gives the name more stickiness, more memorability and more resonance. It’s just an awesome name I think. What do you think? You know, I always love to hear. Let me know. Bye!