First of all, what do you think the brand name “Sit Still” might be referring to? Pretty confusing, right? And then how does that phrase make you feel? Yeah, you probably know where this video is headed. Check it out to hear more, then please weigh in with your reaction. tellthetruths
Does This Name Suck: Sit Still
This video originally appeared in LinkedIn.
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Okay guys, we’re going to do a “Does This Name Suck?” video on a brand called “Sit Still”. I was traveling somewhere, I can’t remember where now, Denver, maybe? I don’t know. And I saw this children’s haircutting chain called “Sit Still” and I don’t love this name. I don’t love this name. So the question is, let’s try to get my emotion out of it and give it a slightly-pretend objective analysis with the TRUE framework.
So, is it a Transparent communication? I mean, I guess you need to tell a kid, “sit still,” to have a haircut. However, I’m not sure it’s completely screaming what it does. So, I don’t think I can give it to them for that. Then, is there some kind of Really real sort of connection make you feel something? I think yes, but I don’t think it’s a positive. I think, you know, I never cut my children’s hair at home because they wouldn’t sit still. So I would take them someplace where they would distract them and charm them, not scold them and shake a finger at them and tell them to sit still. So, yes but I don’t think it’s great. It doesn’t make me excited. Is it Unique? Yes, absolutely. It’s not called “Kids Cuts” or something like that. Is it Engaging? To me, it’s absolutely not engaging. To me, it’s a real turnoff. So, I’m not coming out with this name ahead. I think this name sucks. I want to hear what you think. Let me know. Thanks. Bye!