Spoiler alert: Rebeca loves this name! Watch this #tellthetruths video to learn more about why, then let us know what you think.
Does This Name Suck? LIQUID DEATH
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Hey, guys. Today, I want to do a Does This Name Suck on the water brand, Liquid Death. I started to say bottled water brand and I caught myself because actually this water comes in a can and it looks like a beer can and that’s definitely part of their positioning as is that edgy, confrontational name.
And so let’s take it through the analysis, and let me know if you agree with how I break it down. So the first thing in our analysis T, for True. Is it a Transparent communication or a transparent connection to something? It’s kind of because it’s Liquid Death. So it’s sort of setting you up that it’s water. It’s a weak one, but you know what? I’ll give it to them as a yes.
Okay. So next, R. Really Reals, real feels. Are you getting something kind of authentic? Well, you could argue that that’s a no because water is life, not death. But I can also argue that it’s yes, because it’s edgy, it’s confrontational, it’s a zag in the category. And you definitely feel that from that name from that packaging and from their tagline which I’ll get to in a minute. So I think they do feel something. I’m not the target for this water, but clearly it’s connecting with people who are. People who want to walk around in an inappropriate place with a can of beer. “Oh it’s not beer, it’s water.” There’s something going on there, which brings us to U for Unique. Yes, very! Who would think that this would be a water? Who would think that you could do anything different and somewhat shocking with water? And yet they have.
And finally, engaging. E for Engaging. Yes, especially for that audience that they’re going for. It’s very memorable. They do a really great job of bringing it to life. Their tagline is “Murder Your Thirst.” It really fits well together. They have this whole promotion on their website about selling your soul. I mean, it’s adorable. So I think it’s not my water, but you know, I use a refillable water bottle. It’s someone’s water. It’s really good branding. It’s a great name, believe it or not. Let me know what you think. Bye!