It’s hard to get Rebeca’s attention when it comes to fitness, but this name really made her sit up and pay attention.
Does This Name Suck: Fitopia
Check out this video explaining why she thinks this name is a great fit for this brand’s concept. Then let us know what you think. tellthetruths
This video originally appeared in LinkedIn.
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Hi guys! It’s Rebeca with BrandTrue and today I want to do another “Does This Name Suck?” video, this time on a brand called Fitopia. So this brand caught my eye and that tells you something already. I was in a place where there were a lot of businesses and had I seen probably any old kind of new fitness studio, I don’t think it would’ve caught my eye. I am not in the market, I like where I go, and… but the name Fitopia intrigued me, which is the job of a great name — to grab your attention and get you to learn more. Well, I did just that. So already I think something good is going on. When I learned more, I was struck by how this is actually, I think a very, very good name.
Okay, so Fitopia is a concept. It’s- they have these like electric suits and you work out for like 20 minutes a week and apparently receive muscle gains because you’re getting the electrical stimulation of your muscles. Super expensive, but 20 minutes a week. That’s interesting! So if that’s the concept, then Fitopia, right? Blending fitness and utopia, kind of works. Is it a Transparent communication? Well, of course it’s a little bit fanciful to say utopia, but the fitness is right there in the name. And I would add, if it was normal working out the utopian part might be an overpromise, but given their concept, it’s kind of accurate. It’s *angels singing* kind of amazing. So they get a big check for the T. The R, the sort of Really Real authentic connection feeling something, I think so. I think that’s how they grabbed me. I was like, “I want utopia.” Is it Unique? Yes. And let me tell you, it’s hard to find names in the fitness field that are unique. And finally, is it Engaging? You know what I’m gonna say. It engaged me.
So the question is, does it engage you? Do you agree that this is a really powerful name? And I’m not sponsored by them, but I’m curious when you hear that name and that concept, does it draw you in? Let me know. I would love to hear what you think. Thanks. Bye!