Do you know of any racist brand names that are still out there? Check out Rebeca getting a little too fired up on the topic in this #tellthetruths video.
Changing Racist Brand Names
It’s been great seeing this tide finally turning, but we suspect there are many, many more still out there.
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We’ve got to talk about racist brand names. It’s Rebeca with BrandTrue. And I want to talk about the fact that after George Floyd was killed a bunch of brands that had their heads up their hats and were pretending nothing was wrong. Finally, finally, finally changed their brand names like Aunt Jemima’s Syrup, Uncle Ben’s Rice, Dixie Beer out of New Orleans. And even in Australia, there’s a cheese brand named Coon. They’ve all changed their names. It’s great. A lot of the sports teams even are starting at least to change their names. And it seems to be like it’s been pretty universal. There aren’t too many holdouts. I’m not happy with the Atlanta Braves, but you know there’s been a lot of progress. And so my question is, are you aware of any brands that are not making this move, that are still clinging to outdated, old-fashioned, out of touch, offensive, pretending there’s no problem, when there is a BIG problem brands? I’d love to know about it. I’m really interested in this issue and trying to figure out what are the circumstances when people think that they can get away with not making this change. Let me know down in the comments. Thanks!