Is it always a good idea for a brand to show courage and walk its talk? I’ve spoken a lot in the past on the need for brand courage, and how that can be a really powerful business strategy to clearly position and differentiate brands. Today I share a video with my thoughts on two striking examples of brand courage: Nike & CVS.
Brand Stories Need Resolution
A lot of brands think that when they’ve solved a problem for their people, the story is done. But that can be a real mistake! Stories don’t end at the solution. You need to provide a resolution!
Tesla’s Brand Strategy Leaves A Lot to Be Desired
Tesla’s brand strategy is so interesting to talk about because it’s just so bad! In this video, I talk about Tesla’s main brand strategy blunder of not leveraging their brand truths. They take such little advantage of the most powerful assets at their disposal!
Don’t Abdicate The Storyline
If you’re in charge of a brand, then please make sure you’re also taking charge of how its story shows up in the world! Don’t abdicate the storyline. Don’t give your brand’s power away!
Holding Out For A Hero
Great storytelling is such a central part of tapping into a brand’s core truths so it can stand apart from its competition. In this video, I share one of the easiest things you can do to make your brand’s story really resonate which is holding out for a hero!
ThirdLove Supports The Girls
ThirdLove supports the girls! CEO Heidi Zak is making brilliant moves that solidify her brand’s positioning and create a consumer love feedback loop that impresses the crap out of me!
Do You Always Need to Differentiate?
In today’s video, we discuss if you ALWAYS need to differentiate. It’s C R I T I C A L L Y important, but in some previous videos I’ve made it sound like a brand should ALWAYS differentiate. Now that IS, for the most part, what a brand should be doing, however today I want to talk with you guys about the fact that sometimes it’s just not.
Naming Tradeoffs: Choosing The Best Option
Naming brands often presents a choice between a name that’s very clear and transparent in its communication or one that’s more differentiated from the rest of the category. Very few names can be both at the same time. BrandTrue shares some thoughts on choosing the best option.