Should you let yourself fall in love with a brand name? In this #tellthetruths video, I talk about how selecting brand names can be a little bit like house-hunting. Picking a house is a huge decision, and you’re advised not to fall in love.
Quantity Breeds Quality
When it comes to generating ideas of any kind, and definitely when generating name options, the best way to get awesome ideas is to cook up lots and lots of ideas!
What Makes A Brand Story A Story?
Do you know how to tell your brand’s story? Storytelling is a really hot topic in branding these days. Many practitioners have developed helpful frameworks and trainings (myself included) and some of these can get pretty nuanced and complex. But I always try to keep things simple.
Authentically Contrived
Can you contrive to be authentic? This is tricky, tricky territory, you guys! Check out this episode of our #tellthetruths video series for a juicy example. I talk about the public persona of T-Mobile CEO, John Legere.
Pair Data Points With People Points
We’ve been lucky enough to work on some really fun storytelling trainings with folks that aren’t typically thought of as storytellers. These are people in functions that aren’t consumer or customer-facing, like R&D or HR. Storytelling is just as powerful for them to communicate more effectively, but it’s also less familiar for them.
The Definition of A Brand
How do YOU define what a brand is? There are lots of people talking about it, but I seldom feel they get it right! In this video, I discuss a great quote on brands by Lisa Gansky and also share a definition of brand that I’ve developed. “A brand is a voice and a product is a souvenir.” — Lisa Gansky “A brand is a relationship that creates an expectation.” — me
The Best & Worst Brand Name
What do I think is the worst brand name of all time? It’s also the best! Okay, maybe it isn’t the very worst or best, but watch my video to see the brand name I’m fascinated by because it’s just awful and also quite brilliant.
Sneaky Strategy Session Exercise
Today I want to share a sneaky, sneaky exercise that we use to make strategy sessions more effective. See if this can help you! The basic premise is that you sneak up on the big, challenging strategic questions that can be intimidating to tackle by not disclosing what you’re doing. I know, it’s sneaky!
Testing Brand Names
In this video, Rebeca talks about testing brand names. Coming up with name options is hard enough. But if you’re lucky and have multiple brand names that are all legally available to you for your business purpose, how do you decide which is the best one to use?