Let’s review some brand names that are often mispronounced. This time we’re focusing on brand names that are in foreign languages and how to navigate the “asshole line” when pronouncing them.
Does This Name Suck? I Like It!
Does the name Sprite suck? You’ll have to watch this #tellthetruths video to see what Rebeca decides after her TRUE name analysis.
Let’s Talk About Naughty Brand Names Again!
It was a very popular topic for us before, and there are more naughty, crass, provocative names out there that we want to share.
Does This Name Suck? Heck No! We LOVE It!
DOES THIS NAME SUCK? GORILLA GLUE Spoiler alert: NO! It does not. We love, love, love the name of this local brand. Watch this #tellthetruths video to see why it works so hard as a name.
The Naming Problem That Isn’t A Problem
Not to be flippant about the critically important topic of protecting a brand’s intellectual property, but if your brand is successful enough for your name to be turned into a verb, like Google or Xerox, we think that’s a problem that isn’t really a problem.
Piling Onto A Dumpster Fire Of Outrage
Rebranding Twitter as a new brand named X. When I first heard about it I actually stopped for a split second to ask myself if it was April Fool’s Day.
Battle of the Brands: DOVE ZERO vs. NATIVE
Which of these two brands is the better proposition for the natural deodorant consumer?
How To Completely Screw Up a Brand Name
Step right up to learn what to do! We share because we care! Okay, what we really want is for you to learn what NOT to do by hearing this case study of a truly muddled brand strategy leading to a spectacularly unhelpful brand name.
Does This Name Suck? No Way!
Does This Name Suck? 80 ACRES Today we’re tucking into a local company that grows produce indoors, allowing them to be pesticide free and very efficient. It’s a great brand, but is it a great name or does it suck?