Here’s a tip that might help with selecting a name. All other considerations being equal, don’t pick the name that gets consistently mangled by Autocorrect. (I like to call that thing we all experience getting “ducked over!”) A name has to be really, really good to be worth respelling it repeatedly.
The Best & Worst Brand Name
What do I think is the worst brand name of all time? It’s also the best! Okay, maybe it isn’t the very worst or best, but watch my video to see the brand name I’m fascinated by because it’s just awful and also quite brilliant.
Great Brand Names Are Visual
When a brand name is something you can visualize, you’re much more likely to remember it. Even better, visual content within a name can help cement the meaning of the concept you’re offering.
Naming Tradeoffs: Choosing The Best Option
Naming brands often presents a choice between a name that’s very clear and transparent in its communication or one that’s more differentiated from the rest of the category. Very few names can be both at the same time. BrandTrue shares some thoughts on choosing the best option.
We’re BrandTrue!
Our friends and supporters know that this company used to be called Tapestry Strategy. But today marks the start of BrandTrue. It’s a new name, a new logo, a new website and a new beginning.
Has Weight Watchers Lost it?
I just have to weigh in on Weight Watchers’ announcement yesterday that they’ve put their brand’s name on a diet, trimming it down to WW. You read that right. Their new name has been reduced to two letters. And although it might, at first, appear thinner, it’s put on a good bit of weight. While the name says much less than it used to, it’s also become harder to say, going from three syllables to six.