How do you craft fun and memorable brand names? In this #tellthetruths video I outline two very common and powerful ways to make names that are charming and easier to remember: alliteration and rhyming.
Do Rename Your Brand
Yes, you SHOULD change your brand name. Sometimes. If it’s for the right reasons…it all depends on the business problem you’re trying to address.
Don’t Rename Your Brand
Should you change your brand’s name? This can be a really difficult decision, but it also hinges on some basic branding blocking and tackling: what’s the business problem you need to solve? Check out this #tellthetruths video about why you should NOT change your brand’s name.
Ben & Jerry’s: Stone Cold Good Names
I’m posting this video on the company that I think does the best job with names, hands down, which is Ben & Jerry’s.
Just For Pun
How do you feel about puns? What about punny brand names? Anyone who follows my branding content knows that I love, love, love this kind of name!
What’s Your Shop Window?
What’s Your Shop Window? The idea I share here is to think deeply and strategically about what your brand’s shop window is, or how people find you. The video discusses this specifically in the context of selecting brand names, but the point applies more broadly, now that so many brick and mortar businesses are closed for a while.
How To Make Brand Names More Memorable
A tip to make brand names more memorable! In this #tellthetruths video, I talk about a way to make it easier for people to remember your brand name. Make sure it has some meaning in it! It can be directly related to what you offer, or it can be metaphorical. But either way, this technique can help.
Naming Using Emotional Benefits
How can you make brand names that are more interesting and evocative? Use emotional benefits to inform your brainstorming. The idea here is that you want to think about the emotions, desired feelings and attributes that you’re going for, and then think about which words evoke those desired responses.
The Power of Your Name’s Descriptor
How can you add extra power to your brand name? Believe it or not, those “throwaway” generic descriptors that describe a brand name, like laundry detergent, adhesive bandages or photocopier machine can sometimes be used to add an additional oomph of differentiation and descriptive power to a brand’s name.