And that’s a good thing. Check out this #tellthetruths video about the brand name Red Bull and why we think it works so hard. (Hint: one part of the answer lies in the visual reinforcement of vigor in the logo.)
What Lurks Beneath
What Lurks Beneath When Evaluating Names? I’ve been studying a lot of Behavioral Economics lately and it points towards how influenced we are by the mental shortcuts that make our decision-making easier. It’s incredible, and a little daunting, to think about all the factors that are in play when it comes to evaluating a brand name.
Stay Safe People
It’s true that higher risk often leads to higher reward… except in the case of naming. Please, please, for the love of all that is good, don’t be risky with your brand names. Before moving forward make sure that the name you’re pursuing is legally available to you.
Does This Name Suck? No!
Does the name Fluke Transportation suck? I’ll spoil the HIGH SUSPENSE right away by saying it doesn’t suck at all.
All In The Family
I want to encourage you to think ahead, maybe even way, way ahead, when you’re naming products or services. If you have any dreams of line extensions down the road, then please give extra points to name options that work better in a “family” of names, like apple’s i-names!
Does This Name Suck? Nope
What do YOU think? Is Zappo’s a great name or does it suck? In this video we take the famous online shoe retailer through our TRUE filter to determine whether the name sucks.
I love a clever name as much as the next guy. Actually, let’s face it, I think about clever names more than most people. They fill me with joy!
Talking Too Much
Those of us who name things for a living sometimes find ourselves talking too much when we’re trying to convince clients that a name is great. It’s the kiss of death! Don’t do it! A great name stands on its own.
Does This Name Suck? No Way!
The Cincinnati Flying Pig marathon is usually run in May, but this year it goes down on Halloween weekend. Which got us to thinking about the name. Does it suck?