This is the third step of our naming process, in which we focus on SELECTING brand names. What fascinates us about the naming process is how many very different skill sets are needed for the different parts of the process.
Let’s get into step 2 of our naming process, coming up with or IDEATING brand names. In this #tellthetruths video we build on the broader strategy we talked about in the last video (all the videos in the series are tagged below). We find the secret sauce is to generate as many names as possible. Quantity breeds quality, dear people!!
Today we’re diving a little more deeply into our process for creating names. This video unpacks the first and most important of the major steps in the naming process: setting the STRATEGY.
4 Steps To Build Brand Names
What does it take to build brand names? It’s a pretty involved process, but we think of it in terms of four main steps: STRATEGY, IDEATION, SELECTION AND CLEARING.
Does This Name Suck? NO
It’s usually a BAD thing when it’s not quite obvious how to pronounce a brand’s name. But there are exceptions. (See our video on Sur La Table’s brand name.) Glossier is another such exception. The insider knowledge around how to pronounce the brand name is a great reinforcer for the brand. We think this brand name does NOT suck.
Does This Name Suck? NO
My LinkedIn friends love a good “does this brand suck?” discussion so today we’re going to analyze the brand VRBO, as well as their decision to change their name to Vrbo. The change looks subtle when you read it but it’s a completely different pronunciation.
Does This Name Suck? YES!
People love it when I trash a brand name (you guys are vicious!) and this is one that I give the thumbs down to. Check out this #tellthetruths video to see why this name just doesn’t ring my bell.
Does This Name Suck? NO
Do you know where the brand Shinola got their name? It’s from a heritage shoe polish brand and an old, old saying, “You don’t know shit from Shinola.”
We’ve been holding this video back for a long time but we can finally scream from the rooftops about a product we gave a very fun name, the FirePoint Creator Tool!