Today we’re sharing another short video from Rebeca about how Hobby Lobby’s polarizing stance has been paradoxically good for their brand differentiation.
A Tale of Two Brand Launches
Last week I learned about two different brand launches from arch-rival companies Unilever and Procter & Gamble. The contrast between them is dramatic and I predict that only one will take off.
When A Brand Dares To Be Itself
Brands that dare to be themselves can be richly rewarded with more dedicated consumers. It takes courage to potentially alienate some, but when a brand dares to really live the ideals that define its purpose, it’s never a bad idea!
Brand Differentiation and The Courage To Stand Apart
One of the most powerful ways for a brand to overcome a challenging competitive situation is to find the courage to be different! If your brand is getting beaten up by the competition, it’s a strong signal that you’re too much like everyone else!
What Apple Isn’t Telling You
Another video with thoughts on how a brand can differentiate itself. This one touches on how Apple is doing something that’s great for some other brands to tout, but wouldn’t work for them.
The Burning Platform
The topic of purpose-driven brands has been very hot in brand strategy for several years. And with good reason! Purpose-driven brands can really connect with their audience in an authentic and emotional way.
Has Weight Watchers Lost it?
I just have to weigh in on Weight Watchers’ announcement yesterday that they’ve put their brand’s name on a diet, trimming it down to WW. You read that right. Their new name has been reduced to two letters. And although it might, at first, appear thinner, it’s put on a good bit of weight. While the name says much less than it used to, it’s also become harder to say, going from three syllables to six.
The Opposite of Love Isn’t Hate
I’m brazen enough to throw another log on the bonfire of the Nike Colin Kaepernick ad discussion because I’m fascinated by all the layers of why this worked so well. A lot has already been written on Nike’s use of Kaepernick in their new campaign and how it ignited rage in some merchandise-burning consumers, but clearly inspired far more of them.
When Can Turning Away Customers Be a Good Idea?
A few days ago I received a surprising email from Airbnb, asking users to accept a Community Commitment to treat everyone with respect and without bias, in response to widespread prejudice in their bookings. It’s not surprising that Airbnb is concerned and making an effort to address this troubling issue. What made me raise an eyebrow was that Airbnb is refusing to do business with anyone unwilling to agree to their pledge.