I was instantly, jarringly reminded that any new journey starts well before you step on the path, that your first steps are always the most roughly paved, and that you just need to push yourself past the gravel to get to the smooth rolling. I was grateful to be reminded that sometimes playing it safe is the most dangerous thing you can do.
What Don’t You Know?
At the risk of oversimplifying things… it can be very simple. When undertaking a big branding project the complexity of the task can be overwhelming.
It’s A Little Bit Punny
How do you feel about puns? For brand naming, we think they work really, really hard because they make more connections in the brain. They’re also just delightful!
Don’t Do All The Things: Part 2
Niching down can allow you to serve an underserved market. Niching down, or choosing to narrow the sphere of customers you serve, can be really terrifying. But there are so many great reasons for doing it! The fact that you can connect more deeply with a smaller audience that really needs you is a very powerful one.
Categories With Great Names
Does your category of business lend itself to great names… or not so much? I think that some categories, such as anything in the spirits industry, are just rife with incredible creativity. Others, well, the names are not so great. Categories With Great Names In this #tellthetruths video, I talk about the category of meat alternatives, […]
How Generating Brand Names Is Like Cleaning Your House
How is generating brand names like cleaning your house? I explain it all in this #tellthetruths video.
Great Brand Names Are Visual
When a brand name is something you can visualize, you’re much more likely to remember it. Even better, visual content within a name can help cement the meaning of the concept you’re offering.
ThirdLove Supports The Girls
ThirdLove supports the girls! CEO Heidi Zak is making brilliant moves that solidify her brand’s positioning and create a consumer love feedback loop that impresses the crap out of me!
Do You Always Need to Differentiate?
In today’s video, we discuss if you ALWAYS need to differentiate. It’s C R I T I C A L L Y important, but in some previous videos I’ve made it sound like a brand should ALWAYS differentiate. Now that IS, for the most part, what a brand should be doing, however today I want to talk with you guys about the fact that sometimes it’s just not.