In this #tellthetruths video, Rebeca talks about the dark, difficult side of niching down in your business — turning away potential customers with the choices you make to attract others. It can be terrifying to do this, but it’s really okay if it helps you build greater connection. Check it out, then let us know what YOU think.
Ouch! That Hurts!
We love to talk about the unsolicited emails that are the bane of the business world these days. In today’s #tellthetruths video Rebeca shares a great name she learned for those annoying “let’s set up a meeting” notes that come at us daily. Check it out, then let us know what YOU think.
The “Hate Mail” Never Stops
We love talking about annoying, unsolicited mail and you love to hate it with us. This time, Rebeca shares a #tellthetruths video about a new, horrible technique they’re using that we’ve dubbed the 1-2 punch.
All About Hate Mail
We’re launching a new feature about the mail we love to hate. You know the ones because we’ve talked about them before. It’s the email equivalent of a door-to-door salesman, and just as annoying!
Say Less
When we try to say everything our audience hears nothing! This #tellthetruthsvideo is about our firm belief that brands should say less, at least at first, while drawing people in.
Don’t ask my opinion unless you want my opinion
Don’t ask my opinion unless you want my opinion. It’s true in life, it’s true within families, and we’re here to tell you that it’s true for brands, as well.
Let’s get into step 2 of our naming process, coming up with or IDEATING brand names. In this #tellthetruths video we build on the broader strategy we talked about in the last video (all the videos in the series are tagged below). We find the secret sauce is to generate as many names as possible. Quantity breeds quality, dear people!!
Stay Safe People
It’s true that higher risk often leads to higher reward… except in the case of naming. Please, please, for the love of all that is good, don’t be risky with your brand names. Before moving forward make sure that the name you’re pursuing is legally available to you.
I was instantly, jarringly reminded that any new journey starts well before you step on the path, that your first steps are always the most roughly paved, and that you just need to push yourself past the gravel to get to the smooth rolling. I was grateful to be reminded that sometimes playing it safe is the most dangerous thing you can do.