We seem to be living in the era of brand collaborations and at BrandTrue, sometimes we get the impression that the people behind them are thinking, “the weirder, the better.”
We’ve Become A “Yes, And” Culture
Why do we want to oversimplify and deny that we’re a “Yes, And” culture? In this #tellthetruths video Rebeca talks about how it doesn’t work when we define what currently matters in the culture in absolute terms.
Niching Down To Appeal To The Masses
There are lots of good reasons for brands to niche down to increase their appeal with a smaller, perhaps more committed group of people. what’s paradoxical is that sometimes that niching down ladders right back up again to create unique value for larger audiences.
What Are Far Future Trends?
A high-level overview of how we suss out what we think is likely to happen in the future for our clients.
Does This Name Suck? Nope!
We love the way this name sets up what the product is and we also share some interesting insights on how a very specific name, which can be super helpful in the beginning, becomes a liability when a company succeeds wildly.
Saying “Pureblood” Is Not Always a Great Look
Purosangue: Is This Brand Name Racist? Check out this #tellthetruths video about the name Ferrari has given their new SUV model. We get where they’re coming from, but the concept of “pure blood” when applied to a human just gives us the heebie jeebies.
A Map Is More Helpful Than A Photograph
But this #tellthetruths video isn’t REALLY about maps and photographs, it’s about brand strategy and simplifying concepts enough so that they’re useful. In the realm of Brand Strategy we sometimes get carried away and forget that we can say more by saying less.
Does This Name Suck? Not At All!
We’re very fond of Hello, a brand of oral care products, and the reason is as simple as it having the friendliest name ever!
No Name Is Perfect
Even the best of names have their issues. There are always pros and cons and the cons can make it difficult for people to fall in love with a great name. In our practice we always share what we love about a name AND the issues.