Has the pandemic decimated luxury brands or are they relatively unscathed? I’m seeing both kinds of reports when I try to research what’s going on. What are you guys seeing out there?
Rule of Thumb
One of the things my readings got me to thinking about is that a brand is really just a heuristic or a mental rule of thumb. It’s a way that our lazy (or at least energy-conserving) brains use to make decisions without a lot of effort.
Brands Real Truths
What is a brand’s real truth? Why does it matter? In this video I share some fun examples of the deep truths that I believe live within some well-known brands.
Brands Can Change Course
When you screwed up, fix it! That’s good brand stewardship. That’s managing your equity!
The Formula For Renaming A Brand: Part 2
How can you know whether it’s a good idea to rename your brand? Last week’s video dealt with the obvious cases. But today I address what to do when the situation is more nuanced.
Don’t Do All The Things: Part 3
Are you doing too much on social media, maybe promoting your business on too many platforms? In this video, I talk about focusing on the steps that are most important to build your business, including being on the most important social media in a powerful way, versus diluting your efforts by trying to be everywhere.
Experiential Names
What’s an experiential name and do you need one? In just the same way that a name with any kind of visual associations is more memorable, a name that links back to an experience can pack a lot of power.
The Two Types of Acronyms
How bad are acronyms? I still think they’re a pretty awful way to make a brand name but in this #tellthetruths video, I wanted to explain how some acronyms can be marginally better than others.
Haters Gonna H.A.T.E.
How much do I hate acronym brand names? Well, as you’ll see in this #tellthetruths video, it’s a significant amount. I get fairly hot and bothered about acronyms.