Not to be flippant about the critically important topic of protecting a brand’s intellectual property, but if your brand is successful enough for your name to be turned into a verb, like Google or Xerox, we think that’s a problem that isn’t really a problem.
Piling Onto A Dumpster Fire Of Outrage
Rebranding Twitter as a new brand named X. When I first heard about it I actually stopped for a split second to ask myself if it was April Fool’s Day.
Battle of the Brands: DOVE ZERO vs. NATIVE
Which of these two brands is the better proposition for the natural deodorant consumer?
How To Completely Screw Up a Brand Name
Step right up to learn what to do! We share because we care! Okay, what we really want is for you to learn what NOT to do by hearing this case study of a truly muddled brand strategy leading to a spectacularly unhelpful brand name.
Be More Careful Out There
BRANDS NEED TO BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! This is a serious topic and a serious #tellthetruths video. We used to counsel brands to be bolder, but times are changing and the current climate makes taking controversial stands, however principled, potentially dangerous.
Taylor Swift and The Power of Brand Authenticity
I often write here about how beneficial it is for brands to take authentic, strong stances. And I’ve got an incredible new case in point to share with you guys!
Story Time
There are lots of brands out there that have interesting stories behind their brand name — but then they don’t take advantage of them. In this #tellthetruths video, you’ll catch some interesting examples and Rebeca’s take on this topic.
This video is about Anthem’s (somewhat) recent name change. It’s not pretty!
Battle of the Brands: Flour Mills
It’s time to play our favorite game — Battle of the Brands!!! Which brand (name) is better, Bob’s Red Mill or Pearl Mlling Company (formerly known as Aunt Jemima)?