We love the way this name sets up what the product is and we also share some interesting insights on how a very specific name, which can be super helpful in the beginning, becomes a liability when a company succeeds wildly.
Does This Name Suck? Not At All!
We’re very fond of Hello, a brand of oral care products, and the reason is as simple as it having the friendliest name ever!
Don’t ask my opinion unless you want my opinion
Don’t ask my opinion unless you want my opinion. It’s true in life, it’s true within families, and we’re here to tell you that it’s true for brands, as well.
Does This Name Suck? Not At All!
When a name is hard to pronounce – or hard to know what the proper pronunication is, that’s usually the absolute kiss of death. Yet this is the second brand that falls into that category where we think it works to their advantave.
Trust In Patagonia
The thing that makes Patagonia’s recent move to place their company in a trust to benefit the environment such an incredibly strong branding move is that it was in no way a branding move.
Don’t Throw Away Your Shot
How Is Having A Mediocre Brand Name Just Throwing Away Your Shot? A mediocre brand name is a lost opportunity to communicate something meaningful about your brand or connect with your audience on an emotional level.
Pissing People Off Is NOT Good Branding!
Pissing People Off Is NOT Good Branding!
Pissing People Off Is NOT Good Branding! Do people sending direct mail (snail mail) unsolicited junk expect a reply? Of course not. So why do people think you’re going to be guilted into answering their uninvited emails?
We’ve been holding this video back for a long time but we can finally scream from the rooftops about a product we gave a very fun name, the FirePoint Creator Tool!
Naming Is Power
We’re so intrigued by the idea that giving a concept a name gives it more power, and sometimes even brings it into our consciousness.