WHY I’M NOT ON TIK TOK… and also some thoughts on whether or not YOU should be. Check out this #tellthetruths video for my take on when TikTok is right for brands and when it isn’t.
The Brand Name Formula
There’s a brand name formula? An easy answer? No, of course not. But there ARE three questions that you can ask yourself to help figure out if a name is doing what you need it to do. It’s a start!
Rule of Thumb
One of the things my readings got me to thinking about is that a brand is really just a heuristic or a mental rule of thumb. It’s a way that our lazy (or at least energy-conserving) brains use to make decisions without a lot of effort.
Brands Real Truths
What is a brand’s real truth? Why does it matter? In this video I share some fun examples of the deep truths that I believe live within some well-known brands.
Brands Can Change Course
When you screwed up, fix it! That’s good brand stewardship. That’s managing your equity!
Does Your Name Have To Be Unique?
Clients often worry that they can’t use a name if someone else has it. While we love to have unique names whenever possible, it’s not necessarily the kiss of death if someone else is using the word you want for your brand.
Don’t Do All The Things: Part 3
Are you doing too much on social media, maybe promoting your business on too many platforms? In this video, I talk about focusing on the steps that are most important to build your business, including being on the most important social media in a powerful way, versus diluting your efforts by trying to be everywhere.
Don’t Do All The Things: Part 1
Please, for the love of all that is good, don’t do all the things in your business! In this video, I talk about a different way to think about niching down. Rather than seeing it as giving up any parts of your business, let’s reframe it as focusing in on those things that form the credible core of your brand.
The Two Types of Acronyms
How bad are acronyms? I still think they’re a pretty awful way to make a brand name but in this #tellthetruths video, I wanted to explain how some acronyms can be marginally better than others.