Spoiler alert: Moderna kicks Pfizer’s ass in this Battle of the Brands. I’m just referring to their brand names, of course!!
Should You Name Brands After People?
Should You Name Brands After People? You need to look at several factors, most notably where your brand equity flows from and what are your category conventions.
For the 4th and final video in our Building Brand Names series, we focus on the critically important step of CLEARING name options, or vetting them. For starters, don’t let yourself or any clients fall in love with just one name. You have to make sure the name can clear!
This is the third step of our naming process, in which we focus on SELECTING brand names. What fascinates us about the naming process is how many very different skill sets are needed for the different parts of the process.
Let’s get into step 2 of our naming process, coming up with or IDEATING brand names. In this #tellthetruths video we build on the broader strategy we talked about in the last video (all the videos in the series are tagged below). We find the secret sauce is to generate as many names as possible. Quantity breeds quality, dear people!!
That’s Not Brand Architecture
No judgement! A lot of very smart people come to us saying that they want help with brand architecture, but what they’re really looking for is help with their portfolio strategy.
What Lurks Beneath
What Lurks Beneath When Evaluating Names? I’ve been studying a lot of Behavioral Economics lately and it points towards how influenced we are by the mental shortcuts that make our decision-making easier. It’s incredible, and a little daunting, to think about all the factors that are in play when it comes to evaluating a brand name.
Does This Name Suck? No!
Does the name Fluke Transportation suck? I’ll spoil the HIGH SUSPENSE right away by saying it doesn’t suck at all.
Tall, Grande, Venti
A BIG TIP for pricing your services or products! You may have heard that you should offer three different pricing levels. But you probably haven’t heard about the right order to present them in. Behavioral Economics teaches us that we should present them in a counterintuitive order, with the most expensive item going first.