Hey guys, take a minute to think about how you feel about Dataiku, as a name. Do you know how to pronounce it or what they might offer? Okay, now watch our latest #tellthetruths video to get Rebeca’s take on whether or not this name sucks. Then let us know what YOU think.
Repositioning vs. Rebranding vs. Renaming
Hey guys, Brand School is in session! Since you really appreciated it when we recently shared a #tellthetruths video that defined the difference between Branding and Marketing, we thought we’d do it again.
In today’s video Rebeca runs through the distinctions between repositioning, rebranding and renaming, with some topline insights as to when you might need each one.
Check it out and then share your thoughts or any good examples you might have.
Who Are You Turning Away?
In this #tellthetruths video, Rebeca talks about the dark, difficult side of niching down in your business — turning away potential customers with the choices you make to attract others. It can be terrifying to do this, but it’s really okay if it helps you build greater connection. Check it out, then let us know what YOU think.
Names That Are Fun To Say
We often talk about names that are fun to say, and it’s not too hard to recognize when a name falls into that category. But describing what makes this so is a little harder.
In this “tell the truths” video, Rebeca takes you through some elements that make names more fun.
The Naming Problem That Isn’t A Problem
Not to be flippant about the critically important topic of protecting a brand’s intellectual property, but if your brand is successful enough for your name to be turned into a verb, like Google or Xerox, we think that’s a problem that isn’t really a problem.
What’s the Difference Between Branding and Marketing?
What’s the Difference Between Branding and Marketing? Please don’t be ashamed if you’re not sure. It’s subtle. And people who are confident that they know the answer still might find the distinction hard to explain.
Names Don’t Stand Alone
As important as it is to create a great brand name, we want you to remember that a name never stands alone. You always have many other elements of the marketing mix to help describe your brand or add emotion.
What If Your Brand Is Surly?
How Can Limiting The Size of Your Potential Audience Be a Good Idea? How can making chioces that limit your audience be a good strategy?
How Can Different Brands Have The Same Name?
How is it possible that different brands can have the same name, like Dove Chocolates and Dove personal care products?