In addition to the four questions we ask about names in our #BrandTrue TRUE model, there are two more that are very powerful. Check out this #tellthetruths video to see what else we think could be helpful to assess different brand name options for the one that best fits your needs.
What’s A Brand Name FOR??
Names are confusing. How to choose the right one? The tool that directs our efforts is strategy, but what do we mean by that? Really, it’s just as simple as laying out what a brand name is FOR. What job does it need to do? Once we nail that down it helps us assess different options to see which are strongest. Check out this #tellthetruths video and then let us know what you think.
Flavor vs. Aroma
This video smells delicious!!! In this #tellthetruths video, Rebeca creates a metaphor of flavor vs. aroma to help us think about the different ways that brand names can communicate. It sounds strange, but it makes sense. Check it out and then let us know what you think.
Battle of the Brands: GoodRx vs. Cost Plus
Our latest Battle of the Brands video pits two great brands that do the great work of lowering prescription drug prices against each other. They’re both winners overall, but only one comes out on top of the naming game. Check it out to see if you agree with Rebeca on which one that is.
Does This Name SUCK? DATAIKU
Hey guys, take a minute to think about how you feel about Dataiku, as a name. Do you know how to pronounce it or what they might offer? Okay, now watch our latest #tellthetruths video to get Rebeca’s take on whether or not this name sucks. Then let us know what YOU think.
Renaming Non-Profits
Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that non-profits are branded entities just as much as any food or beauty product we can buy from a store shelf. As such, they sometimes need a new name.
In this #tellthetruths video Rebeca shares a case study about a recent project BrandTrue conducted and also illustrates the recent trend of non-profits changing for more emotional names with an embedded call-to-action. Check it out!
Repositioning vs. Rebranding vs. Renaming
Hey guys, Brand School is in session! Since you really appreciated it when we recently shared a #tellthetruths video that defined the difference between Branding and Marketing, we thought we’d do it again.
In today’s video Rebeca runs through the distinctions between repositioning, rebranding and renaming, with some topline insights as to when you might need each one.
Check it out and then share your thoughts or any good examples you might have.
Who Are You Turning Away?
In this #tellthetruths video, Rebeca talks about the dark, difficult side of niching down in your business — turning away potential customers with the choices you make to attract others. It can be terrifying to do this, but it’s really okay if it helps you build greater connection. Check it out, then let us know what YOU think.
Names That Are Fun To Say
We often talk about names that are fun to say, and it’s not too hard to recognize when a name falls into that category. But describing what makes this so is a little harder.
In this “tell the truths” video, Rebeca takes you through some elements that make names more fun.