How Is Having A Mediocre Brand Name Just Throwing Away Your Shot? A mediocre brand name is a lost opportunity to communicate something meaningful about your brand or connect with your audience on an emotional level.
Does This Brand Name Suck???
BrandTrue Weighs In On Crackle — Does This Brand Name Suck?
What If Your Brand Is Surly?
How Can Limiting The Size of Your Potential Audience Be a Good Idea? How can making chioces that limit your audience be a good strategy?
How To Name Your Podcast
Are you famous? If you are, and you start a podcast, it’s easy to figure out what to name it. But if you’re not famous, what’s the best approach for a podcast name?
Does This Name Suck? No Way!
Is “Snag” a positive word or a negative one? Yes! For that reason it’s a great brand name for this clever brand of tights.
How Can Different Brands Have The Same Name?
How is it possible that different brands can have the same name, like Dove Chocolates and Dove personal care products?
Pissing People Off Is NOT Good Branding!
Pissing People Off Is NOT Good Branding!
Pissing People Off Is NOT Good Branding! Do people sending direct mail (snail mail) unsolicited junk expect a reply? Of course not. So why do people think you’re going to be guilted into answering their uninvited emails?
Does This Name Suck? Nope!
Does This Name Suck? Chubbies sounds like it might suck, but actually, upon analysis, it’s quite charming and disarming.
Battle of the Brands: Moderna vs. Pfizer
Spoiler alert: Moderna kicks Pfizer’s ass in this Battle of the Brands. I’m just referring to their brand names, of course!!